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  • What To Do After A Slip and Fall Accident on an Icy Sidewalk

    November 24, 2016

    Accidents are usually caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Since the winter season is particularly hazardous (because of poor visibility, snowdrifts, rain, ice and sleet all of which contribute to the risks of accidents) it’s the duty of municipalities and private property owners to ensure that all visitors are safe and secure on their premises.

    Contact a top-rated accident lawyer to assist you with the process of filing a compensation claim. 

    What You Can Do

    While talking to a free consultation injury lawyer, it would be helpful if you’re able to furnish essential details so that they can evaluate your claim and determine whether it has merit or not.

    • It’s important to make a note of where exactly you slipped and fell, because if it happened in front of a private residence/property, the owners of that property are liable, otherwise municipalities or city authorities are responsible.
    • Take photographs and record the landmarks and exact location, because things can change.
    • Make a note of the lighting conditions if the accident occurred after dark.
    • If possible find the cause of the accident – ice, water, snow, pot-hole, obstruction, oil etc and whether salt or sand were present (indicating due care)
    • Record contact details of witnesses if any.
    • Preserve footwear and clothes you were wearing at the time.
    • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority/property-owner and get a written acknowledgement if possible.
    • Visit a qualified, licensed doctor immediately, no matter how minor you think your injuries are, and ensure that your visit is documented.
    • Avoid talking to any insurance-company representatives, even your own, without the advice of an accident injury lawyer available 24×7.
    • Avoid making inadvertent statements/admissions to anyone, even bystanders, like “That was all my fault” or “I should have seen that” etc. as this could jeopardize your compensation claim later.
    • Avoid posting anything related to the accident on social media.

    Issues and Challenges

    Claims for slip and fall accidents on municipal/private properties are governed by strict time-frames. Top toronto personal injury lawyers can advise you that notice must be sent to municipal authorities within 10 days of the accident, along with details of location, time, date, cause of accident and injuries sustained.

    In case you are unable to get many of the above-mentioned pieces of information, the best accident injury litigation lawyers in Ontario, Canada can conduct independent investigations and establish the negligence that caused your accident.

    Municipalities have certain limits above which compensation may not be awarded and this is something that experienced personal injury lawyers who have handled similar cases can advise you about.

    In the aftermath of a slip and fall accident on an icy sidewalk, most people are confused, in pain and worried about whether they would need to take time out from work to visit a doctor. However, it’s equally important to maintain a calm state of mind and be practical, if you are able to. Otherwise, a trusted family-member can help you with taking those all-important initial steps that will go a long way in making your compensation claim robust and strong.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

  • What To Do After A Slip and Fall Accident on an Icy Sidewalk

    November 24, 2016

    Accidents are usually caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Since the winter season is particularly hazardous (because of poor visibility, snowdrifts, rain, ice and sleet all of which contribute to the risks of accidents) it’s the duty of municipalities and private property owners to ensure that all visitors are safe and secure on their premises.

    Contact a top-rated accident lawyer to assist you with the process of filing a compensation claim. 

    What You Can Do

    While talking to a free consultation injury lawyer, it would be helpful if you’re able to furnish essential details so that they can evaluate your claim and determine whether it has merit or not.

    • It’s important to make a note of where exactly you slipped and fell, because if it happened in front of a private residence/property, the owners of that property are liable, otherwise municipalities or city authorities are responsible.
    • Take photographs and record the landmarks and exact location, because things can change.
    • Make a note of the lighting conditions if the accident occurred after dark.
    • If possible find the cause of the accident – ice, water, snow, pot-hole, obstruction, oil etc and whether salt or sand were present (indicating due care)
    • Record contact details of witnesses if any.
    • Preserve footwear and clothes you were wearing at the time.
    • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority/property-owner and get a written acknowledgement if possible.
    • Visit a qualified, licensed doctor immediately, no matter how minor you think your injuries are, and ensure that your visit is documented.
    • Avoid talking to any insurance-company representatives, even your own, without the advice of an accident injury lawyer available 24×7.
    • Avoid making inadvertent statements/admissions to anyone, even bystanders, like “That was all my fault” or “I should have seen that” etc. as this could jeopardize your compensation claim later.
    • Avoid posting anything related to the accident on social media.

    Issues and Challenges

    Claims for slip and fall accidents on municipal/private properties are governed by strict time-frames. Top toronto personal injury lawyers can advise you that notice must be sent to municipal authorities within 10 days of the accident, along with details of location, time, date, cause of accident and injuries sustained.

    In case you are unable to get many of the above-mentioned pieces of information, the best accident injury litigation lawyers in Ontario, Canada can conduct independent investigations and establish the negligence that caused your accident.

    Municipalities have certain limits above which compensation may not be awarded and this is something that experienced personal injury lawyers who have handled similar cases can advise you about.

    In the aftermath of a slip and fall accident on an icy sidewalk, most people are confused, in pain and worried about whether they would need to take time out from work to visit a doctor. However, it’s equally important to maintain a calm state of mind and be practical, if you are able to. Otherwise, a trusted family-member can help you with taking those all-important initial steps that will go a long way in making your compensation claim robust and strong.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

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