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  • Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Femur Shaft Fractures

    August 10, 2015

    Although the femur or thigh-bone is known to be very sturdy as the longest bone in the body, it is still subject to fractures caused by heavy weights and forces. An car accident is a major cause for femur fractures where the femoral shaft is broken.

    Possible Femoral Shaft Fractures in Personal Injury Cases 

    The femur bone could break at any point along its length. It could be a simple displacement, an open or closed fracture. Your doctor would classify the fracture according to:

    • its location – distal, middle, proximal
    • its pattern – length-wise, cross-wise, middle
    • its tear on the skin and muscle

    Femoral shaft fractures include:

    • Transverse fracture which is a horizontal line crack along the shaft
    • Oblique fracture which is an angled line across the femur shaft
    • Spiral fracture which are stripes encircling the shaft
    • Comminuted fracture where the femur is broken in several places
    • Open fracture where the bone fragments stick out of the skin

    Such femur fractures are usually caused by a high-energy collision that brought on a high force such as:

    • An auto accident
    • Falls from heights
    • Gunshots
    • Very weak bones

    An intense pain sears through the body with a femoral shaft fracture that prevents you from putting any weight on the leg which may look deformed.

    Legal Assistance for Fracture Recovery

    It is crucial to undergo a thorough medical checkup when you experience pain in your leg after a personal injury. With relevant information, the doctor would be able to determine more accurately the extent of the personal injury to prescribe the best treatment and medication. Our team of personal injury lawyers are available to discuss possible lawsuits that you may be able to institute to recover damages.

    It is likely that the doctor would recommend you to go through some imaging tests that include:

    • X-rays
    • CT scan
    • MRI

    Femoral shaft fractures could be rectified with or without surgery. Surgery options are costly with higher risks which patients need to consider possible complications. Many would opt for non-invasive surgeries where possible such as a cast, traction and complete bed rest. Hospital bills may spike even with non-surgery treatments which may burden the patient. Our skilled and experienced Toronto Personal injury Lawyer are well versed in filing insurance claims or lawsuits to secure the required damages  for covering such costly recovery procedures.

    Many femur fractures take between 4 and 6 months for a complete healing depending on the severity of the case. Our Toronto car accident lawyer  could put forward a claims proposal that would cover those long months of healing which may require physical therapy along the way to restore muscle strength and joint motion. Our Toronto  injury lawyers are well versed with the necessary processes in making an effective claim on femur fractures regardless of the severity and cause. Our lawyers are aggressive and dynamic in negotiations with third parties in securing your rightful claims of compensation to put you in a steady financial standing with femur fractures and healing processes. Our experienced Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers have settled millions of dollars in personal injury cases.

    Being Prepared for Healing Complications on Femur Fractures

    Our lawyers may not be medical professions but their exposure and experience in femoral shaft fractures and the healing processes suffice to equip them with the right course of action that benefits our clients facing femur fracture complications. We would engage our own medical experts  and biomechanics experts in analyzing and determining the condition and potential healing complications that might incur more time and cost on the patient.

    Our hospital injury lawyer is at hand to track the medical procedures and treatments rendered that might cause complications on the healing process. Surgical complications could set in to invoke higher costs which must be borne by the patient if no insurance claim is advanced.   We have an excellent hospital negligence lawyer to ensure that there is no negligence in the surgery or healing process for your quick recovery on femur fractures.

    We would have our disability claims lawyer to discuss and negotiate with your insurance company or the third party’s insurance representative in claiming potential damages that would fund your hospital bills for a full recovery.

    Further Immeasurable Claims

    A femur shaft fracture could bring on other types of suffering which cannot be quantifiable measured. These include:

    • Trauma
    • Emotional distress
    • Mental anguish
    • Physical pain
    • Humiliation
    • Inconvenience

    We are confident that our personal injury attorney is able to secure the best of financial compensation for you to recover fully.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333.

  • Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Femur Shaft Fractures

    August 10, 2015

    Although the femur or thigh-bone is known to be very sturdy as the longest bone in the body, it is still subject to fractures caused by heavy weights and forces. An car accident is a major cause for femur fractures where the femoral shaft is broken.

    Possible Femoral Shaft Fractures in Personal Injury Cases 

    The femur bone could break at any point along its length. It could be a simple displacement, an open or closed fracture. Your doctor would classify the fracture according to:

    • its location – distal, middle, proximal
    • its pattern – length-wise, cross-wise, middle
    • its tear on the skin and muscle

    Femoral shaft fractures include:

    • Transverse fracture which is a horizontal line crack along the shaft
    • Oblique fracture which is an angled line across the femur shaft
    • Spiral fracture which are stripes encircling the shaft
    • Comminuted fracture where the femur is broken in several places
    • Open fracture where the bone fragments stick out of the skin

    Such femur fractures are usually caused by a high-energy collision that brought on a high force such as:

    • An auto accident
    • Falls from heights
    • Gunshots
    • Very weak bones

    An intense pain sears through the body with a femoral shaft fracture that prevents you from putting any weight on the leg which may look deformed.

    Legal Assistance for Fracture Recovery

    It is crucial to undergo a thorough medical checkup when you experience pain in your leg after a personal injury. With relevant information, the doctor would be able to determine more accurately the extent of the personal injury to prescribe the best treatment and medication. Our team of personal injury lawyers are available to discuss possible lawsuits that you may be able to institute to recover damages.

    It is likely that the doctor would recommend you to go through some imaging tests that include:

    • X-rays
    • CT scan
    • MRI

    Femoral shaft fractures could be rectified with or without surgery. Surgery options are costly with higher risks which patients need to consider possible complications. Many would opt for non-invasive surgeries where possible such as a cast, traction and complete bed rest. Hospital bills may spike even with non-surgery treatments which may burden the patient. Our skilled and experienced Toronto Personal injury Lawyer are well versed in filing insurance claims or lawsuits to secure the required damages  for covering such costly recovery procedures.

    Many femur fractures take between 4 and 6 months for a complete healing depending on the severity of the case. Our Toronto car accident lawyer  could put forward a claims proposal that would cover those long months of healing which may require physical therapy along the way to restore muscle strength and joint motion. Our Toronto  injury lawyers are well versed with the necessary processes in making an effective claim on femur fractures regardless of the severity and cause. Our lawyers are aggressive and dynamic in negotiations with third parties in securing your rightful claims of compensation to put you in a steady financial standing with femur fractures and healing processes. Our experienced Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers have settled millions of dollars in personal injury cases.

    Being Prepared for Healing Complications on Femur Fractures

    Our lawyers may not be medical professions but their exposure and experience in femoral shaft fractures and the healing processes suffice to equip them with the right course of action that benefits our clients facing femur fracture complications. We would engage our own medical experts  and biomechanics experts in analyzing and determining the condition and potential healing complications that might incur more time and cost on the patient.

    Our hospital injury lawyer is at hand to track the medical procedures and treatments rendered that might cause complications on the healing process. Surgical complications could set in to invoke higher costs which must be borne by the patient if no insurance claim is advanced.   We have an excellent hospital negligence lawyer to ensure that there is no negligence in the surgery or healing process for your quick recovery on femur fractures.

    We would have our disability claims lawyer to discuss and negotiate with your insurance company or the third party’s insurance representative in claiming potential damages that would fund your hospital bills for a full recovery.

    Further Immeasurable Claims

    A femur shaft fracture could bring on other types of suffering which cannot be quantifiable measured. These include:

    • Trauma
    • Emotional distress
    • Mental anguish
    • Physical pain
    • Humiliation
    • Inconvenience

    We are confident that our personal injury attorney is able to secure the best of financial compensation for you to recover fully.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333.

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