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  • To Settle or Sue?

    September 9, 2016

    Most people are unaware that litigation can be time-consuming, expensive and that outcomes are difficult to predict. When accidents happen, and they’re clearly the result of someone’s fault or negligence, people may decide to immediately explore legal options and file a personal injury case against the at-fault party. However, there are several aspects that need to be looked at before finally going to court. A free consultation with car accident and personal injury lawyers can provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive evaluation of your case, based on which you may make your decision.

    In fact, the legal route should perhaps be your last resort, when all else fails. Statistics show that only 10% of civil disputes actually make it to the court-room. The concept of “settlement” implies that a mutually-agreed upon solution to the dispute can be found outside the court system. This can be done with the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

    Personal Injury Litigation: Some Facts 

    • The primary reason to settle out of court is to avoid litigation. Once the court process is initiated, issues become polarized, making compromise difficult.
    • In many cases, the at-fault party is someone known, whom you may have to deal with in future. It may be a former friend/co-worker, relative, neighbor, customer etc.
    • In many cases, the collateral damage that can result from lawsuits could be more than the actual worth of the compensation.
    • Typical lawsuits can last in courts for upwards of two years, even if they’re only of moderate complexity. In case of workplace compensation cases, there may be an additional lengthy waiting period while Labor Departments etc prepare your case for filing.
    • Settlement out-of-court may not be as high as people would like, but that being said, jury verdicts are unpredictable. If you lose a medical malpractice case as a plaintiff, you may even have to pay up all the legal costs.
    • Insurance companies, even your own, have their own business interests paramount, and you may need to consult a top toronto personal injury lawyer to help you decide how to take the case forward.

    Settlement vs Suing: The Pros and Cons

    Settlement can be swifter than a suit, as our best personal injury litigation lawyers in Ontario, Canada can advise. However, you may not always benefit to the extent you want.

    Settlements may not cover future costs if you later discover that your injuries are more serious than previously assessed and you have already signed certain waivers.

    When you sue, there are chances of losing the case, or getting less than you ask for. A top personal injury lawyer in Ontario can place the options clearly before you.

    Negotiation lies at the heart of settlement. Your personal injury law firm can ensure that lawyers who have handled your type of case successfully are deputed to represent you. Often, there may be certain quid pro quos in negotiation that are not money-based and evaluated better in a settlement.

    Non-specific damages like pain and suffering, insult/emotional distress etc are not addressed in settlement.

    If you’re suing on principle, you’d want your day in court.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

  • To Settle or Sue?

    September 9, 2016

    Most people are unaware that litigation can be time-consuming, expensive and that outcomes are difficult to predict. When accidents happen, and they’re clearly the result of someone’s fault or negligence, people may decide to immediately explore legal options and file a personal injury case against the at-fault party. However, there are several aspects that need to be looked at before finally going to court. A free consultation with car accident and personal injury lawyers can provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive evaluation of your case, based on which you may make your decision.

    In fact, the legal route should perhaps be your last resort, when all else fails. Statistics show that only 10% of civil disputes actually make it to the court-room. The concept of “settlement” implies that a mutually-agreed upon solution to the dispute can be found outside the court system. This can be done with the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

    Personal Injury Litigation: Some Facts 

    • The primary reason to settle out of court is to avoid litigation. Once the court process is initiated, issues become polarized, making compromise difficult.
    • In many cases, the at-fault party is someone known, whom you may have to deal with in future. It may be a former friend/co-worker, relative, neighbor, customer etc.
    • In many cases, the collateral damage that can result from lawsuits could be more than the actual worth of the compensation.
    • Typical lawsuits can last in courts for upwards of two years, even if they’re only of moderate complexity. In case of workplace compensation cases, there may be an additional lengthy waiting period while Labor Departments etc prepare your case for filing.
    • Settlement out-of-court may not be as high as people would like, but that being said, jury verdicts are unpredictable. If you lose a medical malpractice case as a plaintiff, you may even have to pay up all the legal costs.
    • Insurance companies, even your own, have their own business interests paramount, and you may need to consult a top toronto personal injury lawyer to help you decide how to take the case forward.

    Settlement vs Suing: The Pros and Cons

    Settlement can be swifter than a suit, as our best personal injury litigation lawyers in Ontario, Canada can advise. However, you may not always benefit to the extent you want.

    Settlements may not cover future costs if you later discover that your injuries are more serious than previously assessed and you have already signed certain waivers.

    When you sue, there are chances of losing the case, or getting less than you ask for. A top personal injury lawyer in Ontario can place the options clearly before you.

    Negotiation lies at the heart of settlement. Your personal injury law firm can ensure that lawyers who have handled your type of case successfully are deputed to represent you. Often, there may be certain quid pro quos in negotiation that are not money-based and evaluated better in a settlement.

    Non-specific damages like pain and suffering, insult/emotional distress etc are not addressed in settlement.

    If you’re suing on principle, you’d want your day in court.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

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