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  • Filing For Compensation For Car Accident-related Injuries

    September 28, 2016

    If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, getting medical assistance, treatment and care would obviously be your first priority. Many of us assume that our/at-fault party’s insurance coverage would take care of all the expenses relating to hospitalization, treatment, testing, medication etc.

    Ontario also provides statutory benefits to all those injured in motor-vehicle accidents, regardless of fault.

    However, in many cases, the coverage may be inadequate for long-term treatments and care. In some cases, the victim and their family are emotionally traumatized and would like to ensure that the at-fault party also pays for their share in causing the accident. This could be true in the case of serious alcohol-impaired related accidents, which are particularly distressing for the victim and their families.

    It’s important to meet with a free consultation injury lawyer without delay and get a genuine, swift and comprehensive assessment of your claim which would enable you to proceed further.

    What Compensation Can Be Claimed?

    Based on the individual circumstances, claims can be filed for:

    • Economic losses: The major part of your claim would include loss of income, wages due to inability to work. This would include present and future income in the case of long-term absence.
    • Medical expenses: Recovery of expenses for treatment, care, rehabilitation for serious, permanent or long-term disability, disfigurement etc.
    • Pain and Suffering: There is a legal “verbal threshold” of pain and suffering that has to be met to claim this.
    • Loss of care/guidance/companionship: Under Ontario’s Family Law Act (FLA) victims’ families can sue under this head.

    An experienced personal injury lawyer with knowledge/expertise in handling car accident cases can provide the best assistance.

    Time Limit

    It’s important to know how to find the best personal injury lawyer who has handled similar cases. In Ontario, there are strict time-limits within which a personal injury claim has to be filed. Our top-rated accident lawyers keep abreast of all the latest insurance regulations and personal injury law amendments and they can advise you on the correct procedure, format, paperwork and time-limits within which to file your claim. For instance, 2015 Ontario government regulations have legislated increased the amount of deductible allowed to account for inflation. Our top toronto personal injury lawyers ensure that your claim is filed keeping all the relevant aspects in mind.

    Claims By Family Members

    In case of death, the family members can file a claim under FLA citing loss of guidance, care, companionship, and there is no deductible that applies to non-pecuniary claims by FLA claimants. The members who can claim are siblings, spouses, children and grandchildren of the deceased. This FLA section has also been recently amended and our experienced car accident lawyers can bring you up to speed on this.

    Payment of Lawyer’s Fees

    Most personal injury lawyers and law-firms work on personal injury cases on a contingency-fee basis. We also conduct independent investigations to collect evidence and collect robust testimony to back your claim. Our fees are not paid upfront, but only when full and satisfactory settlement of the claim has been achieved.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

  • Filing For Compensation For Car Accident-related Injuries

    September 28, 2016

    If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, getting medical assistance, treatment and care would obviously be your first priority. Many of us assume that our/at-fault party’s insurance coverage would take care of all the expenses relating to hospitalization, treatment, testing, medication etc.

    Ontario also provides statutory benefits to all those injured in motor-vehicle accidents, regardless of fault.

    However, in many cases, the coverage may be inadequate for long-term treatments and care. In some cases, the victim and their family are emotionally traumatized and would like to ensure that the at-fault party also pays for their share in causing the accident. This could be true in the case of serious alcohol-impaired related accidents, which are particularly distressing for the victim and their families.

    It’s important to meet with a free consultation injury lawyer without delay and get a genuine, swift and comprehensive assessment of your claim which would enable you to proceed further.

    What Compensation Can Be Claimed?

    Based on the individual circumstances, claims can be filed for:

    • Economic losses: The major part of your claim would include loss of income, wages due to inability to work. This would include present and future income in the case of long-term absence.
    • Medical expenses: Recovery of expenses for treatment, care, rehabilitation for serious, permanent or long-term disability, disfigurement etc.
    • Pain and Suffering: There is a legal “verbal threshold” of pain and suffering that has to be met to claim this.
    • Loss of care/guidance/companionship: Under Ontario’s Family Law Act (FLA) victims’ families can sue under this head.

    An experienced personal injury lawyer with knowledge/expertise in handling car accident cases can provide the best assistance.

    Time Limit

    It’s important to know how to find the best personal injury lawyer who has handled similar cases. In Ontario, there are strict time-limits within which a personal injury claim has to be filed. Our top-rated accident lawyers keep abreast of all the latest insurance regulations and personal injury law amendments and they can advise you on the correct procedure, format, paperwork and time-limits within which to file your claim. For instance, 2015 Ontario government regulations have legislated increased the amount of deductible allowed to account for inflation. Our top toronto personal injury lawyers ensure that your claim is filed keeping all the relevant aspects in mind.

    Claims By Family Members

    In case of death, the family members can file a claim under FLA citing loss of guidance, care, companionship, and there is no deductible that applies to non-pecuniary claims by FLA claimants. The members who can claim are siblings, spouses, children and grandchildren of the deceased. This FLA section has also been recently amended and our experienced car accident lawyers can bring you up to speed on this.

    Payment of Lawyer’s Fees

    Most personal injury lawyers and law-firms work on personal injury cases on a contingency-fee basis. We also conduct independent investigations to collect evidence and collect robust testimony to back your claim. Our fees are not paid upfront, but only when full and satisfactory settlement of the claim has been achieved.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

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