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    June 18, 2020

    Health experts have declared that once you have been tested positive for the Coronavirus, there could be long term effects from it. According to recent reports, people from Canada have already claimed that the virus has had ill effects on their health, mentally and physically. Also, people with anxiety, stress and similar situations are saying that this situation has made their problems worse. The situation is turning out to be critical now and is also draining the mental stability of some people.

    This means that a higher number of people in Canada need disability insurance. Employees are finding it difficult to cope up with the situation. The insurers are giving them a hard time so it is becoming difficult for them to secure an insurance plan. In these times, we don’t have to look after our profits, but many insurers are finding it difficult to subside with this fact. Lawyers have come forth to help people affected by these situations.


    The recent Covid-19 research and surveys have concluded that this global pandemic will have a much more drastic effect on the mental health of the people in Canada. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has declared that the total loss in Canada’s economy due to mental illness has already reached 50 billion dollars annually and will rise due to the current pandemic situation. Insurance lawyers dealing with long-term disability rights have studied and said that the number of such affected people would keep rising over the next six months.

    Mental health has already been a grave concern to the Canadians and now, the outbreak has sent chills down spines as it has been ensured that the current numbers are sure to rise.


    The lockdown throughout the world, from the closing of stores to people sitting at home and praying for their financial situations, has struck a heavy blow. There has been no relaxation on mortgage payments or other such loans, so people are spending all their savings as the world we once knew has changed. Social distancing norms have also disrupted the much-needed peace that people had. Those heroes fighting for us from the hospital staff, the workers and the laboratory staff to the pharmaceutical salesmen and store managers, all have suffered much intense strain on their shoulders, carrying so much responsibility through this pandemic situation.


    Since the outbreak of this pandemic, it is obvious the economic stress is burdening the working class which leads to stress and anxiety issues. These issues will have a heightened effect on people in the near future as the situation will worsen until a permanent cure is developed. The mental state of a person cannot be felt or seen physically, and practically speaking, they don’t have effects that can be judged by our basic senses. It’s all a matter of understanding. If the people responsible for the answers and welfare choose to close their eyes in such a situation, there will be consequences.

    Claims have been made that people that have tested positive should be eligible for short-term disability insurance and if they aren’t able to work for a longer time, their status should then fall under long-term disability. Similar action should be taken for the one’s suffering from depression and anxiety depending on the duration for which they can’t work because of their mental trauma.


    * It is difficult to comprehend the needs of people suffering with this type of long-term disability. The insurance policies state that the insurer also gets some credit claim for any and every severance the employee receives. In a number of cases, the insurer takes all of the money and the employee is left with nothing. Therefore, to overcome such mistakes, our Brampton long-term disability lawyers have been fully briefed on such matters. Such legal issues require deep and sound knowledge of the insurance policies and the needs and conditions of the employee.

    * Sometimes employees unknowingly waive any rights over long- or short-term disability. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers with their past records have the full understanding of their terms of release and hiring. This experience is a must for a client. Also, if the employee has lost his rights, then our lawyer with full understanding of the employment and insurance laws will be by an employee’s side to help him fight for what he deserves.

    * Return-to-work programs are put in motion by the insurers with or without the consent of the employees and this is because an employer often has less knowledge of law and disability laws. In such clauses present, the employee’s long- or short-term disability benefits are completely waived and he/she is left with nothing. Lawyers also need to come to terms with the employer’s obligations since they sometimes exclude an employee’s disability insurance severances and terms. The employee has a legal claim to his benefits and both the employer and the insurer can be put to question if they fail to include such disability claims during employment. These claims have a nice impact on the relationship between an employer, his employee and the insurers. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers fully understand this relationship and deal with such situations on a frequent basis. * The risk of losing your job and threat to your financial security does indeed cause mental stress and depression. So, you need a hand to guide you through the entire process in these hard times when you have so much already on your plate. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers will fight tooth and nail to help you get what you deserve and seek. This Covid-19 situation is stressful enough as it is and the legal disability laws are causing heavy blows. Contact us and we will be the shelter you need against these difficult times. Be safe, be smart.


    June 18, 2020

    Health experts have declared that once you have been tested positive for the Coronavirus, there could be long term effects from it. According to recent reports, people from Canada have already claimed that the virus has had ill effects on their health, mentally and physically. Also, people with anxiety, stress and similar situations are saying that this situation has made their problems worse. The situation is turning out to be critical now and is also draining the mental stability of some people.

    This means that a higher number of people in Canada need disability insurance. Employees are finding it difficult to cope up with the situation. The insurers are giving them a hard time so it is becoming difficult for them to secure an insurance plan. In these times, we don’t have to look after our profits, but many insurers are finding it difficult to subside with this fact. Lawyers have come forth to help people affected by these situations.


    The recent Covid-19 research and surveys have concluded that this global pandemic will have a much more drastic effect on the mental health of the people in Canada. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has declared that the total loss in Canada’s economy due to mental illness has already reached 50 billion dollars annually and will rise due to the current pandemic situation. Insurance lawyers dealing with long-term disability rights have studied and said that the number of such affected people would keep rising over the next six months.

    Mental health has already been a grave concern to the Canadians and now, the outbreak has sent chills down spines as it has been ensured that the current numbers are sure to rise.


    The lockdown throughout the world, from the closing of stores to people sitting at home and praying for their financial situations, has struck a heavy blow. There has been no relaxation on mortgage payments or other such loans, so people are spending all their savings as the world we once knew has changed. Social distancing norms have also disrupted the much-needed peace that people had. Those heroes fighting for us from the hospital staff, the workers and the laboratory staff to the pharmaceutical salesmen and store managers, all have suffered much intense strain on their shoulders, carrying so much responsibility through this pandemic situation.


    Since the outbreak of this pandemic, it is obvious the economic stress is burdening the working class which leads to stress and anxiety issues. These issues will have a heightened effect on people in the near future as the situation will worsen until a permanent cure is developed. The mental state of a person cannot be felt or seen physically, and practically speaking, they don’t have effects that can be judged by our basic senses. It’s all a matter of understanding. If the people responsible for the answers and welfare choose to close their eyes in such a situation, there will be consequences.

    Claims have been made that people that have tested positive should be eligible for short-term disability insurance and if they aren’t able to work for a longer time, their status should then fall under long-term disability. Similar action should be taken for the one’s suffering from depression and anxiety depending on the duration for which they can’t work because of their mental trauma.


    * It is difficult to comprehend the needs of people suffering with this type of long-term disability. The insurance policies state that the insurer also gets some credit claim for any and every severance the employee receives. In a number of cases, the insurer takes all of the money and the employee is left with nothing. Therefore, to overcome such mistakes, our Brampton long-term disability lawyers have been fully briefed on such matters. Such legal issues require deep and sound knowledge of the insurance policies and the needs and conditions of the employee.

    * Sometimes employees unknowingly waive any rights over long- or short-term disability. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers with their past records have the full understanding of their terms of release and hiring. This experience is a must for a client. Also, if the employee has lost his rights, then our lawyer with full understanding of the employment and insurance laws will be by an employee’s side to help him fight for what he deserves.

    * Return-to-work programs are put in motion by the insurers with or without the consent of the employees and this is because an employer often has less knowledge of law and disability laws. In such clauses present, the employee’s long- or short-term disability benefits are completely waived and he/she is left with nothing. Lawyers also need to come to terms with the employer’s obligations since they sometimes exclude an employee’s disability insurance severances and terms. The employee has a legal claim to his benefits and both the employer and the insurer can be put to question if they fail to include such disability claims during employment. These claims have a nice impact on the relationship between an employer, his employee and the insurers. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers fully understand this relationship and deal with such situations on a frequent basis. * The risk of losing your job and threat to your financial security does indeed cause mental stress and depression. So, you need a hand to guide you through the entire process in these hard times when you have so much already on your plate. Our Brampton long-term disability lawyers will fight tooth and nail to help you get what you deserve and seek. This Covid-19 situation is stressful enough as it is and the legal disability laws are causing heavy blows. Contact us and we will be the shelter you need against these difficult times. Be safe, be smart.

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